I get asked all the time: do you sell your images?
You bet I do, in fact that's how I make my living. Selling prints, cards, canvas's, and stock images.
What are stock images?
When magazines, newspapers, or graphic designers are looking for images to use; they search through stock agencies for the perfect match.
I license my image to the graphic designer for limited use according to the need. example small image for a website or a huge file image for a billboard.
Purchase my images that are contracted to Getty Images and Alamy Images.
I am presenting focusing more on this side of my photography. So check back sound as I plan to have many more of my library of stock images represented.
I also have images not contracted through any stock agency, so free to deal directly with your graphic designer. If you are looking for something spectacular please email me.
Please contact me to discuss your photo needs and the photo licensing arrangement that suits your purposes and I will provide you with a quote. I can supply you with larger JPEG images if needed for use in preliminary layouts, comps and mockups.
I will need the following photo usage information to prepare a quote:
• description of your company / industry
• purpose for which the photo will be used
• photo placement / location (front, back, inside)
• photo size (full page, ¾, ½, . . .)
• length / duration of use (months, years)
• geographical extent / territory (local, regional, national, international)
• number of insertions
• circulation / number of copies printed
Also, let me know if you are seeking exclusive rights or unlimited rights for a particular photo.
Photos on this website are copyright protected. They are the intellectual property of the photographer. All images are available for use under a photo licensing agreement. Licensing fees are dependent on how a chosen photo is to be used.
Purchase my prints, cards, calendars, canvas gallery mounts.
If you are looking for something spectacular please email me.
Assignment freelance Work
I am available to do assignment work. My specialty is photographing agricultural subjects under natural light conditions. Please contact me and indicate what your photographic needs are. I will respond, letting you know if I am suited for the photo assignment, my availability to do the photo shoot, and my rates.
Photo Subjects
The following list identifies the primary subject matter you will find in my photo Galleries.
Livestock photos
- beef cattle
- cattle breeds: Black Angus, Red Angus, Charolais, Hereford, Limousine, Simmental, Texas Longhorn, cross breed, mixed breed)
- dairy cattle: Holstein
- calf / calves, yearling, heifer, steer, cow / cows, bull / bulls
- cattle herd
- feeding, grazing, nursing
- feedlot, cattle pen
- cattle treatment
- cattle transport, unloading
- branding, round-up, gathering, herding, cattle drive
- hoof, eye, muzzle, udder, dangle ear tag, radio frequency tag, scrotum, horns, brand
Agriculture photos
- farm
- ranch
- cultivated field, summerfallow, swathed field
- crop field (wheat, winter wheat, barley, alfalfa, corn, canola, hay, stubble, . . .)
- hay bale (round bale, large square, small square)
- barn, farm yard
- fence line
- farm equipment (tractor, combine, swather, haybine, seeder, cultivator, . . .)
- cultivating, seeding / planting, harvesting, haying, hay raking, silage, chemical application,
- horse
- cowboy
- rangelands, pasture lands
- rodeo
Other photos
- panorama
- landscape (mountains, foothills, prairie / grasslands)
- sunrise, sunset
- hiking, backcountry adventure, cycling
- wildlife (African, Costa Rica, Canada, including elephants, alligator, crocodile, lions, monkeys, baboons, bighorn sheep, pronghorn, bison, mountain goat, elk, mule deer, ground squirrel ...)
- trees, flowers
- nature, environment
- oil and gas production
- Email me