Monday, March 4, 2013


The cow herd.DSC_1567 ExploreDSC_6985 Explorecow DSC_0747 ExploreDSC_0111VS2 {explored}Forgotten {EXPLORED}DSC_5164 TX {EXPLORED}
Beach Wear exploredDSC_6705 } exploreDSC_5554 {explored}Baby with cowboy boots DSC_8007 EXPLOREFollow the fence exploreOLD_SLED_COVERED_SNOW_DSC_2348

Explored, a set on Flickr.

I have no idea how Flickr decides on what photo gets on explore. To me it is a huge honor! Picked as one of the top 500 photos of the day when 1.4 million a day get uploaded. Doesn't that number just turn your brain to mush?? It does mine. A huge thanks to anyone that took the time to check my photos out. I appreciate any comment made!