Thursday, March 14, 2013

DSC_6798 } Explore

DSC_6798 } Explore
Originally uploaded by Debbie Prediger Photography

Another of my images made Explore on flickr. For those that don't know what this means; flickr is a sharing site for photographers to critique or showcase images. 1.5 million images are loaded each day and somehow 500 are picked to be showcased on EXPLORE. Us artists can visit explore and see the best of the best without looking at 1.5 million LOL images.
I am forever humbled to have anyone take the time to check out my images and leave comments. So far I have has a few make explore and that is an awesome feeling. (Even though I have no idea how they pick them, and if a robot is doing it)

Via Flickr:
yearling heifer calves wintering in corral on self feed hay.